3 Desember 2011

Berita Riau Online

Berita Riau Online sekarang sudah mulai banyak bermunculan di Provinsi Riau. Beberapa website baru bermunculan di ranah jagad maya ini. Para pelaku bisnis media sudah merambah ke media online yang diawalnya mereka memulai dari media cetak. Ada juga start up langsung ke media online, memang sejak dari tahun 2009 geliat bisnis online sudah mulai nampak.

4 November 2011

When Floods Submerge Poverty

Flood, one of the ironies of Riau community wrenching poverty amid polemics. The problem is more complicated, because the routine in the rainy season as well as launch the suffering of tens of thousands of human lives in the watershed (watershed) Kampar river, having left Kampar river overflowing and some areas Rokan Hulu flood soaked the first turn. Followed Kuansing and Inhu.

The irony is, we see from the news media. Sovisticated information technology, we usually enjoy from a newspaper photo shows the targeted lewatudara. The atmosphere concerns the lives of some of our brothers. In the midst of life under siege disaster site, they are resigned to wait for reinforcements. Although sometimes, resignation only be paid with (nothing more) pack of instant noodles.

25 September 2011

Asia Karsa Indah

Asia Karsa Indah merupakan tempat teman saya bekerja, Perusahaan Asia Karsa Indah ini skala Nasional dan bergerak dibidang :
  • Production Control Panel; RTU, RPC, VSD, Sub-sea Completion System
  • Production Automation Software
  • Pipeline Management System
  • Workbench Reservoir Simulation

17 Juni 2011


a. Period March 5, 1958 - January 6, 1960

Establishment of Riau Province established by Law Number 19 Year 1957 Emergency. Then enacted in Law No. 61 of 1958. As with any other province in Indonesia, Riau Province for the establishment of time-consuming and long struggle, which is almost 6 years (17 November 1952 s / d March 5, 1958).

5 Juni 2011


History of Pekanbaru

name was formerly known by the name "Senapelan" which at that time headed by a Chief called Inner. The area originally as a field, gradually became the township. Then township Senapelan move to new settlements, later known as Hamlet Umbrella Sekaki located on the banks of the Siak river estuary.